The PTNMR network provides services to researchers and scientific institutions of the National Scientific Community as well as private institutions that may require the PTNMR services.
In order to have more information about the services offered by the PTNMR network please contact the responsible person (unit manager) of the network institution located closer to you. If unable to satisfy your needs this person will direct you to the NMR center most suited to provide an answer to your problem.
Details of each NMR center can be found by following the links NMR Centers and Contacts on the top menu.
The network spectrometers are organized in two categories, depending on the magnetic field strength and the services provided. There are different levels of access that depend on the type of spectrometer, frequency of use and percentage of time requested.
1 - High Field Spectrometers – 800, 700 and 600 MHz
(with 70 % of the total time available to external users)
• sporadic user - short (maximum 8h) or long periods (maximum 24h )
• regular user - time allocation for regular users (based on a project) - can not exceed 7 consecutive days
• services to private companies
2 - Low Field Spectrometers – 500, 400 and 300 MHz
(with 30 % of the total time available to external users)
• sporadic user - short (maximum 4h) or long periods (maximum 12h)
• regular user - time allocation for regular users (based on a project) - can not exceed 24h on a weekly basis
• services to private companies
For further details on spectrometer time allocation please follow the link or contact the Unit Manager of the NMR Center of your interest.
Spectrometer Use
Spectrometer use is managed by the Unit manager according to three types of use:
Each Unit Manager is responsible for publishing the general rules for spectrometer use and the forms for project proposals in their unit webpage. Project proposals are sent by the Unit Manager to the General Coordinator. The General Coordinator forwards the proposal to two specialists from the Project Evaluators Panel. The decision should be communicated to the Unit Manager and to the User in no more than a week after receiving the proposal.
User fees
The rates for accessing the NMR equipment belonging to the PTNMR network are estimated according to the instructions indicated below and are available upon request.
The full cost of running a spectrometer belonging to the PTNMR network covers the cryogens and other consumables, service contracts and repairs, NMR staff time dedicated to running the facility, building charges and depreciation of some equipment. Thus, user price for each spectrometer must be calculated according to the NMR equipment basis on the annual running costs. The total cost will be updated for researchers and investigators according to the external funding provided from FCT, the main sponsored of the PTNMR network.
Equation 1 shows the user cost time:
User Cost per hour = [Financial Support from FCT – (Maintenance + personnel cost)] / 8760 hours
In which Maintenance is calculated according to:
Maintenance = gases + annual NMR maintenance contract + repairing’s not included on the annual maintenance contract
Note: the user cost applied on Equation 1 implies the use of the total time per annum and not the real user NMR time. If the total user NMR time is shorter than the total annual time the research unit/institution hosting the spectrometer must cover the extra cost. Academic users should be aware that in economic stringency from the main funding body FCT, funds may be cut and researchers are expected to contribute to some of the critical costs associated with operating the facility. However, it should be understood that the stated academic access fees cover only a fraction of the total costs of operation.
The PTNMR network was principally established to support peer reviewed academic research in Portugal through generous funding from FCT. Therefore, external users outside I&D sponsored by FCT are not supported by the Network. Prices are established by each NMR unit guaranteeing the fairness competition rules of the market.
PTNMR Network Guidelines
Users are encouraged to operate the instruments on their own after authorisation by the NMR unit manager of the local NMR affiliated centre. It is expected that each person who is approved to be a NMR user will have, at the minimum: prior experience on a modern NMR instrument, either through outside NMR activities or hands-on training courses. All users should be familiarised themselves with the NMR equipment and though technique to guarantee not only its safety and durability but also its rentability in terms of time. Scientific data must be recognised as having a potential value that may exceed publications immediately derived from it. It is mandatory for the PTNMR network and all affiliated centres to provide adequate quality assurance to satisfy funding bodies of our ability to deliver the promised scientific results.
Users are responsible for damage that results from samples that are explosive, pressurized, chemically corrosive, radioactive, biologically dangerous, or that otherwise pose unusual hazards to instrumentation or personnel. In all such cases, prior permission and advice should be sought with regard to these special samples, but permission does not absolve any user from responsibility for whatever harm their samples may cause on any spectrometer or probe from the PTNMR network. Users using PTNMR resources showing misbehaviour or negligent use of the NMR equipment may be held responsible for their acts. This obligation does not extend to responsibility for damage that occurs accidentally and unavoidably during normal use. Any possible damage must immediately be reported to the NMR manager.